
The “Colloquium on Knowledge about Language in schools: perspectives from Brazil and the UK” has the objective to share experiences of Knowledge About Language (KAL) in the school systems of both countries. Developing KAL at school is so important for scientific and cultural development because it can open up new perspectives for students on language as a cognitive system, on systematic variation in language, and on various social issues.

The Colloquium has a panel with special guests (see the “Program”)  and presentations sections 20 minutes long and with 10 further minutes for questions and discussion. Proposed talks should fall under at least one of the following themes:

  • Curriculum -  Initiatives and projects concerning KAL in the school curriculum; concepts and practices in curriculum policies; teachers and their preparedness to teach KAL; tensions between traditional approaches in language teaching and KAL. 


  • Olympiads - The experiences of introducing Linguistic Olympiads and their influence in education; how to increase the involvement of schools and students. 

  • Languages, the humanities, and the sciences - How KAL helps students in improving skills in: (a) other languages like second language learning or artificial languages; (b) mathematics or (c) transferring knowledge of methods from linguistics to other sciences. 

The Organizing Committee

Cleber Conde - Federal University of São Carlos
Jane Girardi - Federal University of São Carlos
Pavel Iosad - University of Edinburgh
Graeme Trousdale - University of Edinburgh

Support Team

Letícia de Souza Cunha - Federal University of São Carlos
Beatriz Habara Morgon - Federal University of São Carlos